Stroke Artfair 2017 Munich

Stroke Artfair 2017 Munich
25/10/2017 Heiko Zimmermann
In Allgemein

New location, new date. Proud to present Francisco Bosoletti, Rafael Sliks and Thiago Goms at the Stroke 2.0. We were eager to see how the new stroke in the new Munichs Werksviertel Mitte took place and reached the audience. As exhibitors and graffiti lovers, we say: what a cool fair. All over the area (former Kunstpark Ost and Kultfabrik) you will find some jewels in Graffit History. Loomit is the administrator and curator of all the walls and buildings since end of the last century. So you can find treasures like a 20 meter high Os Gêmeos or two pieces of the good father of graffiti SEEN. And even inside the exhibition hall were many pieces of local and international artist to bee seen. They fair had a very special atmosphere and was a perfect “reboot” after many year at the Praterinsel.

We had a great time with Eliot, Marco Schwalbe and his lovely Team.

Stroke Artfair new Location entrance with ENIVO art in the front

Os Gêmeos

The godfather of Graffiti: SEEN


Loomit Livepainting




Eliot the super


Cadillac Livepainting // Kevin Luedeke


Rafael Sliks, Francisco Bosoletti, Thiago Goms


Bosoletti Cimarrón Series 2017


Edyta Grzyb // Laura Piatoni




El Bocho


Miriam Ganser




LOOMIT // Thiago Goms // Matthias Cross // HNRX


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